Pitesamisk ordlista • Pite Saami lexical database
Results: (8 hits; click words for details)
• gamar (bm-m, -r-) subst Swed. getostmassa (efter första ystning) Engl. goat cheese curd mass
▸ gáma (bm-m, -g-) subst Swed. sko Engl. shoe
▸ gámabielle subst Swed. ena skon Engl. one shoe (as opposed to both shoes of a pair)
• gámadit verb Swed. ta på sig skorna, sko på någon Engl. put on shoes
• gámas (bm-m, -s-) subst Swed. bälling Engl. leather from reindeer legs
▸ gámasgodårrve subst Swed. en omgång bällingar Engl. a set of leather pieces from a reindeer’s legs
• gámasuäjdne (jdn-jn, uä-uo) subst Swed. skohö Engl. shoe hay
▸ gámasuäjdneájjge (jjg-jg) subst Swed. tid för att skära skohö Engl. season to harvest shoe hay