Pitesamisk ordlista • Pite Saami lexical database
Results: (12 hits; click words for details)
▸ gasskaáldar (lld-ld, -r-) subst Swed. medelålder Engl. middle ages
▸ gasskabiejve livan dä buhtjin fras Swed. under vilan mitt på dagen mjölkades det Engl. they milked during the midday rest
• gasskabåddå subst Swed. ?mellantid Engl. ?meantime
▸ gasskabäjjve (jjv-jv, ä-ie) subst Swed. middagstid Engl. dinner time
▸ gasskadállve (llv-lv) subst Swed. mitt i vintern Engl. the middle of the winter
▸ gasskaidja (dj-j) subst Swed. midnatt Engl. midnight
▸ gasskaj post Swed. mellan, in mellan, till en plats mellan Engl. in between
▸ gasskajmus adj Swed. den mellersta Engl. the most central, middle one
▸ gasskas (-s-) subst Swed. en, enris Engl. juniper, juniper twig
▸ gasskat adv Swed. tvärs av, itu Engl. in half, broken
▸ gasskavahkko (hkk-hk) subst Swed. onsdag Engl. Wednesday
• gásskamer ájjge Swed. medeltid Engl. middle ages?