Pitesamisk ordlista • Pite Saami lexical database
Results: (11 hits; click words for details)
▸ giehta (ht-d) subst Swed. hand, arm Engl. hand, arm
▸ giehtabielle (ll-l) subst Swed. ena handen Engl. one hand (as opposed to both hands)
• giehtagárrvo (rrv-rv) subst Swed. handske, vante Engl. glove, mitten
• giehtagävvra adj Swed. armstark Engl. strong (in the arms)
• giehtaklåhkkå (hkk-hk) subst Swed. armbandsur Engl. wristwatch
▸ giehtalåhpo (hp-b) subst Swed. handflata Engl. palm of the hand
▸ giehtamádda (-g-) subst Swed. handled, handlov Engl. wrist
▸ giehtatjállej (-j-) subst Swed. sekreterare Engl. secretary
• giehtatjuvvde (vvd-vd) subst Swed. finger Engl. finger
• giehtavuassa (ss-s, ua-uo) subst Swed. handväska Engl. handbag
▸ giehtavuojdas (jjd-jd, ua-uo, -s-) subst Swed. handkräm Engl. handcreme